An Uproarious Deadly Battle at the Execution Ground!" is the 942nd episode of the One Piece anime 1 Short Summary 2 Long Summary 3 Characters in Order of Appearance 4 Anime Notes 5 Site Navigation Zoro and Sanji manage to save Toko The swordsman directly attacks Orochi, who is protected by Kyoshiro, while Sanji fights against X Drake FrankyPlease like and subscribe and share and also feel free to comment below on what i should react to next?Road To 500 Subs👍SnapchattfgreactsInstagramabdullahIn Chapter 941 of the series, it was revealed that the seemingly goofy thief Ushimitsu Kozo was actually Tonoyasu (or Yasuie), one
One Piece 942 One Piece Chapter 942 One Piece 942 English Mangahub Io